

Mixed reality is a spectrum

Mixed reality is the result of the fusion of the physical world with the digital world, it represents the next evolution in the interaction between man, computer and the environment and opens the way to possibilities that until now could only be imagined.

What is a hologram?

Mixed reality (MR) allows you to create holograms, which are objects made up of light and sound that appear in their surroundings just as if they were real objects. Holograms respond to your gaze, movements and voice commands and can interact with the real surfaces that surround you. With holograms you can create digital objects that are part of your world.

A new vision of work

Mixed reality offers more opportunities to those who need to show future solutions in existing environments, scenarios, possibilities, or ideas that are placed in a real situation.

The pursuit of a more engaging interactive computer experience

The opportunities of tomorrow become possible by creating products today. The solutions provided by these products reveal what is needed to anticipate the future. With mixed reality this is especially true. Real understanding of a manufacturing process is achieved through practice, participating in real jobs, with real devices, real customers, and real problems.
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